"Private Repo": "xertz-labs (Internal only)",
"Access Level": "Restricted to security and engineering teams",
"Notes": "Do not share repo details externally. Credentials should never be stored in commits."
],"Staging Deployment": "May 15, 2025",
"Beta Testing Start": "June 1, 2025",
"Production Launch": "July 20, 2025"
],"Cloud Provider": "AWS",
"Database": "PostgreSQL",
"CI/CD": "GitHub Actions",
"Logging & Monitoring": "Prometheus & Loki"
],"MFA Enforcement": "Required for all employees by June 1, 2025",
"Data Retention Policy": "Logs older than 180 days will be migrated to cold storage"
],"Repo Cleanup": "Some old scripts in **xertz-labs** need review before deletion.",
"Pending Review": "Reminder to check previous code dumps for sensitive info.",
"Documentation Updates": "A few internal notes were misplaced in a gist—make sure critical documentation stays within the repo."
],"Security Team": "security@0xxertz.com",
"IT Support": "it-support@0xxertz.com",
"General Queries": "contact@0xxertz.com"